02. July 2021

Remscheid: Extension of the drugstore Rossmann as part of a retail center

The rentable space of the drugstore Rossmann, which is part of the retail center “Am Stadion 15” in Remscheid, gots extended in the last months from app. 611 m² up to app. 826 m². Due to the hillside situation the construction got built on supports to the basement garage. In the course of the extension Rossmann extended even the runtime of the lease contract until 24.09.2030. The retail center is part of the portfolio of the Israeli LAHAV Family Office and is located beside the Factory Outlet, which is planned by the city Remscheid. The DRIA GmbH is responsible for the assetmanagement of the property and conducted the realization of the extension as well as the lease contract negotiations with Rossmann.


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Aue: LAHAV Family Office sells retail centre from its existing portfolio

The Israeli LAHAV Family Office has recently sold a retail park in Aue, Saxony, to a Chemnitz-based company from its existing portfolio. The property was realised in 1996 on an area of almost 15,000 m² and consists of 2 building structures. The anchor tenant with an area of around 6,547 m² is the speciality store […]

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