26. April 2022

Krefeld: The reopening of the expanded & modernized Netto store was a great success

Within the last few months, the rental space of the Netto store on Hafenstraße in Krefeld has been expanded and extensively modernized. From originally around 827 m², the area was increased to around 1,140 m². On Tuesday, the 12th of April 2022, the reopening of the modern store took place, which was celebrated with a large rush of customers. In return for the store expansion, Netto signed a new lease agreement and committed itself to the location for another 15 years.

The property is part of the existing portfolio of the Israeli LAHAV Family Office. DRIA GmbH, which is entrusted with the asset management of the property, was responsible for the planning and execution of the expansion measures as well as for the lease negotiations.

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Neunkirchen: Competition stimulates business – B&B Hotels comes to Neunkirchen

As part of its asset management mandate for the LAHAV family office, DRIA GmbH has currently obtained planning permission for a B&B hotel in Neunkirchen an der Saar. The future property is intended as a redensification on a retail park of around 20,500 m² on which the French sports retailer Decathlon and a sports studio […]

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