04. February 2022

Interra acquired a trading center in Strausberg (Berlin)

Interra acquired a trading center in the Herrenseeallee 15 in Strausberg. The property was built on a area of app. 95.200 m² with app. 56 stores, restaurants, offices and practices on a total rentable space of app. 26.000 m². Furthermore app. 1.300 parking lots belong to the building. Anchor tenants are Edeka, C&A and Rossmann. The first part of the center was built in 1999, which got several times extended until 2007. Since 2015 the property, which is according to own information the largest shopping center of the rural district Märkisch-Oderland, was owned by the TLG Immobilien. The DRIA GmbH mediated the transaction.

Buyer: Interra Immobilien AG

Seller: TLG Immobilien AG

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