01. December 2020

Gifhorn: Private investor acquired a residential- & commercial building

The DRIA GmbH has sold a residential- & commercial building in the city center of Gifhorn. The property was built in 1885 on a plot of app. 574 m². The total rentable space amounts to app. 522 m², whereof app. 123 m² are let to a pharmacy in the ground floor. Furthermore a commercial unit of app. 108 m² as well as 5 vacant flats are part of the building and offer further development potential. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.

Buyer: Private investor

Seller: Company, Netherlands

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Lower Saxony: LAHAV acquires last part of a of a nationwide retail portfolio

With the acquisition of two properties in Lower Saxony, the Israeli LAHAV Family Office has completed the purchase of a property portfolio with a total of 13 retail properties. The first 7 locations in western and southern Germany were acquired at the end of 2023. A further 4 locations in eastern Germany were added at […]

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