25. April 2024

Eastern Germany: LAHAV acquires further sub-portfolio

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the Israeli LAHAV-FO announced that it had completed the acquisition of a retail portfolio with 7 retail properties to date, spread across western and southern Germany. In the course of this transaction, the next properties have now been added to LAHAV-FO’s portfolio. These are 4 retail locations in eastern Germany.

In addition to a Netto supermarket in Gernrode and a shopping centre with Kik, T€DI and a Markgrafen beverage store in Chemnitz, a commercial building with the anchor tenant T€DI in Neustrelitz and a WVG beverage store in Calbe were added to the LAHAV portfolio. The properties were built between 2000 and 2007 and have rental space of around 415 m² to approx. 1,514 m².

DRIA GmbH, which represents LAHAV throughout Germany, is responsible for the transaction and the subsequent asset management of the properties. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.

Buyer: LAHAV, Mönchengladbach

Seller: Real Estate Company, Luxembourg

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Lower Saxony: LAHAV acquires last part of a of a nationwide retail portfolio

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