14. September 2020

Dahlke Family Holding acquired a retail-center in Altenkunstadt

Dahlke Family Holding has just acquired another retail-center at Weismainer Straße 70 in 96264 Altenkunstadt. The acquired property has a total letable area of ??almost 3,000 m² and was originally built for Rewe. The center has a vacancy-rate of 85%. The re-letting and reopening of the center is planned for the first quarter of 2021. The asset management is handled by DRIA from Heinsberg. The new letting is controlled by Hillemeyer Immobilien GmbH from Lippstadt. The transaction was brokered by Estama.

Buyer: Subcompany of the Dahlke Family Holding GmbH

Seller: International Funds

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