10. January 2023

Bad Honnef: The Israeli LAHAV Family Office acquires the training facility of the financial administration of North Rhine-Westphalia via DRIA GmbH

The Israeli LAHAV Family Office has acquired a convention hotel in Bad Honnef with the help of DRIA GmbH. The transaction was handled through Sloane Bad Honnef GmbH as the purchasing company.

The property was built in 1980 by Deutsche Post on an area of around 43,500 m² and has a rental space of just under 7,300 m². After the property was used by Deutsche Post and Deutsche Telekom, among others, as a training centre, in the third quarter of 2019 the training facilities of the financial administration took over the entire site from the state of NRW. In addition to conference rooms, a gym and a canteen, the property also has more than 90 rooms for the participants of the training courses.

DRIA GmbH, which represents the LAHAV Family Office throughout Germany, has taken over the subsequent asset management of the property in addition to handling the sale. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.

Buyer: LAHAV Family Office, Heinsberg

Seller: Fund, Hamburg


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